Letter to William Collamer, January 24, 1848

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Washington City Jan 24. 1848William,

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Yours of the 10th inst. was recd. In relation to California we will talk that over on my return. Should the product of gold be anything like what is expected it will produce a great revolution in condition of community.

As regards my insurance I removed it at Montpelier last autumn. You will probably so learn in answer to your inquiry there.

My health is much as usual and our session is now near two thirds through for which I am thankful. Little is done or will be done this session; and this is as I expected.

While our politicians are still full of speculations as to Gov. Taylors Cabinet as little is known on the subject here or in Vermont, and as little too on the course which will be taken as to the offices generally. As to the Congressional proceedings and the

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news in the city you can know them all substantially by the papers I send, if you wish. You may see in the Intelligencer of this day an obituary of Charles Marsh which I wrote. The paper has put to it the signature S. I know not why. It is as long as they would allow space and is very satisfactory to Geo. P.

My love to your mother & Franky & you all.

Your fatherJ. Collamer

