Letter to Mary Collamer, February 2, 1845
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I noticed implied by the papers that the books were to be offered for subscription to the new bank in Woodstock but did not notice the time. You may proceed to subscribe fifty shares and see if you can pay for them out of money collected on my book. I think it would be a good acquisition if you can effect it. Should you find it necessary to take money in anticipation of collections (which I trust you will not be compelled to do) you can use money of mine in back, as I here you a draft of two hundred dollars which I wish you to hand Mr. Johnson and have it passed to my credit. And remember immediately on the receipt of this to write me, that I may know the draft came safely to hand.
In relation to speaking on Texas I did as I phrased and word a speech which did
not fall unnoticed on the house. I have sent copies
, but do not feel quite certain how far it will be
The case in which I am engaged in the Supreme Court here
will not be reached this term, and I am glad it passes over, as it will give me time
for better preparation
It is now very cold here and although the thermometer would probably not show a lower degree than probably 10 or 15 above zero yet to our feeling it seems as cold as zero in Vermont. Here whenever it is cold it is also windy. No snow.
My friend Geo. Green of Ky. Remains sick and keeps his room. He is troubled with grave complaints but it is here a very general time of health.
My being excused from the committee on public lands has been to me this session a great relief as the committee on Manufactures to which I belong has little to do.
Nothing will be agitated in relation to the tariff this session. As to Texas its fate is yet extremely uncertain in the Senate.
W Collamer P. S. I have written this day to Harriet & sent there & send here my love to all.
I remain Your Affectionate FatherJ. Collamer