Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1887 February 7

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Glen Elder, Mitchell Co Kas.Feb 7th 1887My Dear Precious Uncle and Aunt

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what a long time since I have written you, but you are always in my thoughts How I wish I could be with you a few days. I beleive I want to see you worse than when I started to see you three years ago last Sept I am glad every day that I did see you and hope you will feel able to come and make me a long visit. cannot you start this spring? with through Tickets & Checques, it is not very much trouble and you know Luke

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promised to come with you by this time. Wont you try? I should be very glad. How is your health and have you good people on your place? How is Craig & his family. Is Katie as good as she used to be. Is Carrie any stronger? What did they call the little boy. wont you tell C. to write me a long letter about every body I know & himself & family in particular How is Ella & her family. how often I have wished she was my neighbor I like her husband, if he is a poor man What a pleasant little journey Ella and I had to Craftsbury Is Della in good health. she sent me a picture of Laura last spring. she is such a serious little Lady. she had not changed much in looks since I saw her she must be a very nice child

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Are the little boys strong & is D. any [       ] than she was? Is Mr Oakes living, and the brother yet with them? I have often felt guilty when I thought how much I stayed there and added to Mrs Oakes burden when she was so near the end of her journey Truly she died in the harness. It seems to bad that she did work so hard. I hope Della will not? How are Luke & [Kathie], Enos & Mrs Horner Aunt Nancy & her grandson and how and where are Uncle Daniel and Aunt Lydia I do hope they are where do not suffer. is Henry in Vt are Auretta's Children any better trained than formerly, There are many more I like to hear about but will hope you will think of them when you write or better still, tell me when you come to visit

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Lizzie lives on the farm Is not very strong, has much more to do than she ought. her boys are well. Clark was a farmer last summer and did not intend to Teach this winter but was persuaded to take a four months Term is 18 miles from but in this Co_ H. has a first Grade (good for 3 years) and was lately appointed one of board of Co_ examiners of Teachers for this Co_ The Board is Composed of the Co_ Superintendent & and 2 of his selecting but appointed by the Co_ Comissioners. My Brother C.C. was well at last accounts, I have not seen him since last may and he lives but 40 miles from us Levi came and made us a visit last summer, his health is not good He said he wished you would write to him, says he wrote to you years ago but you did not reply. he has never been noticed by any of our Mothers relatives and of course feels it

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will you forgive my seeming neglect write me as you have time and think coming to see me It will require a little courage to start but it will not be so hard as you think & if Luke would come with you and you know he promised, you would get along nicely and it would not cost you much and if it did what does it signify you may as well use what you want as to save for others. and your Children can all get along now without your saving for them I recd some papers from you some time ago very glad to get them I will try to send you some soon I am always glad of Vermont or Canada papers.

With much Love, fromMary

Do not forget to pray for me


Mr Andrew FletcherWaterville.Lamoille Co_ Vermont.GLEN ELDERKANS.FEB 14 1887

