Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1885 February 11

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Glen Elder Mitchell Co_ Kas_Feb_ 11th 1885Dear Uncle and Aunt

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I received yours of Jan_ a few days ago, and was glad to learn that you were in comfortable health Do not say you cannot see me, but start for the west just as soon as it is warm weather, come to Ind and visit and rest, then take Uncle Lem and come to Kas and stay a long time, see if you do not like the Country and the climate We have had more cold weather this winter than usual while I see by the papers that you have

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an unusually warm winter thus far, So far as I have any means of knowing there has been very little sickness in this part of the state in the last year. My health would be pretty good if I did not have to work too hard, as it is I am always tired. when I wrote you last I thought I would soon write again I think I told you that C had a nine months school of about 40 schollars at Simpson, he is getting along well but has to work hard Before Thanksgiving Mr Harveys Brother that always lived in Boston his Wife also a Boston lady and their two sons fourteen and thirteen years old arrived, and stayed until two weeks ago They are very fastidious as all Boston people should be. I also board

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our district school teacher (a young man) and Mr H. has a hired man all the time I have had no help and have had much more to do than I had ought. have not been from home but twice since the first of Nov_ Clark had a vacation of two weeks at the hollidays and was home over sunday one week ago. Lizzie was here last week, the first time in three months. She cannot leave home on Sylvesters account as he does not want to miss a day from school Frank & L think perhaps they will move up on their farm this spring but it is still uncertain Frank is here part of the time. Keeps me posted in every day news and Clark provides me every thing I want to read, which is a good deal, I do very little sewing or

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knitting as the house work is more than I want to do I will send you a small bundle of papers so that you can get a little of our local news it may not be very interesting to you but may serve to pass away some time I hear from C C. often but do not see him have not seen him since last June He is off the R.R. so I must needs go across the country with a team He is so busy that he never gets time to come here I have great hopes that his presant work will prove a financial success Levi and family were well at last accounts Miss Clara the oldest daughter is a lovely and Girl, She has been teaching for three years His children are all nice and good for which I am truly thankful

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I am very glad that Uncle Daniel and Aunt Lydia are away from those people they were with last year. Do you know any thing about Henry and are [Aureth'es] children well, and well provided for. give my Love to Uncle D & Aunt L. How is Craig and family? did they call the baby Ray? Della must be having a hard . Are her children well? I cannot remember her babys name. I wish Ella and her family were my neighbors the sight of them would do me good. I think if you would make us a visit you would not then object to their coming to this state to live. Do you go to Johnson often? I hope so for you must enjoy it so much, pleas tell the Girls to write if only a few lines I am so very glad to hear from any of you and I should write more often if I did not always have so large a family or if I had help when I really needed it

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I am very glad I was permitted to go to see you all I allmost live on the recollection I did enjoy every day and I think now if we all live a few years longer I will go again Now my dear Aunt do not worry about me If I get so I cant work I shall write more [often] I think I have time enough now, only when I am tired, it is easier to postpone a duty or a pleasure than to perform Remember me kindly to all my friends, and when I think about it, it seems as though there were many, Every one was so kind to me while there wont you tell me what kind of Tenants you get, and every thing you can write of will interest me Where is Mrs Horner? Have you seen John Prince yet? if not will you for me when you go to Johnson Also will you enquire for Sanford Mills

With much Love I remain yours AffectionatelyM. F. Harvey.
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will you please write out for Clarks family record all you can get of our ancesters aunt Mandana gave us all she could on my Fathers side it is too bad to ask you but as I did not do it when with you there seems no other way Clark has taken a book for it and is doing it well

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do you think your Uncle Carpenter was an ancester of Matt. C. [sen_ frns] War. deceased his Grandfather was Cephas Carpenter & a Vermonter tell me what you can pleas of all our relatives, Mary

