Cyrus Cornelius Pratt to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1884 June 8

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OFFICE OF UNITED STATES MUTUAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION.Lincoln, Kansas, June 8th 1884,Andrew and Ruth FletcherWaterville VermontDear Uncle & aunt

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Today mary and Aunt Mandana P. Wyatt are with us in Lincoln and I can how happy it made you to see her.- Aunt Mandana is hale & hearty as most persons are at 45.- Mary is tired out from the ride, over 50 miles across the country. Mary says for me to write you as she is such a slow person in regard to writing. She is full of glowing accounts of her trip to Vt & Ind, Mich &c. and it makes me all the more anxious to take the same journey.- I see no chance this year, my work is & until all is well set I cannot be spared.- We will soon put on a Fire Ins' Co like the "Vt Mutual," and the men think Pratt is law on all Ins' matters.- If the good Lord spares us until

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next year I hope to have more leisure & can then come.- Aunt Wyatt wishes to be remembered to you all with much love, and so do Mary & me.-

Let us hear from you as often as you can, Hoping you are still well & happy

I am as ever your Affectionate NephewC.C. Pratt

Mary tells me all about Uncle Dan'l & aunt Lydia, too bad for them in their old age.-

