E.W. Culver to Ruth Fletcher, 1889 December 8

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Jeffersonville Vt Dec 8, 1889Mrs Andrew Fletcher, Dear Madam

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After having advised counselled, commanded, threatened and for a change entreated your daughter to write you I have concluded to write you for & of myself

You are well aware that my influence in the way of compelling obedience over your daughter is quite limitted

We are at your Sons here, and may stay here until the matters in questions arising in the matter of settling the estate are disposed of We have not suffered as yet I trust either in person

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or reputation, though we may & have suffered from the expense of growing out of the citations and board bills &c

We were able to convince the Cout that no funds had been embezzled or wasted that we were inclined to do the honest part in all the rendering and care of the Estate

The matter that grieves your daughter is that so large a bond is required that some other than myself will have to take the guardianship as I could not in the brief time afforded secure bonds

Della is very tired and nervous and besides much grieved by the action of those who ought to have shown themselves her fiends

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I have never in all my life witnessed a more despicable type of treachery than has been shown in this case The Oakes family & Counsel would rob your daughter of the last dollar in her possession if possible I can safely say as much from the Course pursued in this case

I have in my possession documents that very clearly show the duplicity and false rendering not to say purgery of the persons who are at the bottom of this trouble and had I time to attend to their case would let them see the evil of their course

Anna has in one County in the West thirty six hundred dollars invested and all the

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money put in her list or her personal property entire is but seven hundred in the Grand List

Carl has Eighteen hundred and four hundred & fifteen in List

And these sums only represent what these parties have in one County and possibly not more than one half their investments

Miss Della would write you but she is to weary and nervous to write any one She is suffering from a severe cold just at present and today has felt scarcely able to sit up

I hope to get a settlement with the Court of the account of my guardianship inside a few days Della thinks of going to Ellas for a day or two this week Possibly will go tomorrow

Very CordiallyE W Culver
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P.S. I hope you are well and are not worrying over this matter_ I think it will all be settled soon & I am rather pleased that we can get rid of the responsibility of the care of the fiends EWC


Mrs Andrew FletcherBelvidereVermontJeffersonvilleV.T.DEC 9 1889

