Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1883 March 17

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Pleasant Lake IndMarch 17 1883Dear Brother & Sister

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I once more write a few lines to you to let you know that I am left alone my wife died the 24 of Feb of Brights disease she was sick [above] seven weeks her sufferings were verry great but i trust that our loss is her gain and say Gods will be done although it is very lonesome for me my health is as good as can be expected for a person of my age if I live to 30 of I shall be 83 years old I am quite lame so it troubles me to walk about much

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we your letter and was glad to hear that you was enjoying tolerable health I would be verry glad to see you once more but if we never meet again in this world I trust we shall meet when parting seasons will be over give my love to your children and all enquiring friends we should be verry glad if you could come and see us this fall I do not think of any thing more at present my mind is not verry clear at this time so I will close by thanking you for the consolation at the close of your letter and wishing you the same

your BrotherLemuel Colton


Ruth FletcherWaterville LamoileCo. vt.PLEASANT LAKESteuben Co., IND.MAR 20 1883

