Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1875 August 30

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Pleasant Lake Ind Aug 30 1875Dear Brother & Sister

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I once more address a few lines to you to let you know that we are still in the land of the living and are enjoying tolerable good health at this time although my wifes health has been verry poor the last year and we hope that you are enjoying the same blessing we received your letter and was glad to hear from you we should be verry glad to see you out here this fall we shall not be able to come out there this fall for money is scarce and produce is cheap and Lemuel is owing on his land we have had a cold season but crops are tolerable good

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with the exception of Apple which is a verry [    ] we raised some over five hundred bushels of wheat but it dont bring much of a price only 120 cts per bushel and if the frost holds off so that our corn gets ripe we shall have over five hundred bushel of shelled corn and about two hundred of oats and a plenty of potatoes and grass crop the best that has been for a number of years we have had an imence sight of rain this summer you wished to know if Lyman was in the grasshopper region in Kansas he was and had evry thing destroyed by them but the prospect is that they will raise an abundance

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it is some time since we have heard from them Seth & [Eva] were well the last that we heard from them they are living on the farm Lemuel & wife send their respects to you all give our love to sister Lydia and husband also to Cousin Ar[   ] Dwinnell and family likewise to Craig and wife and Ella and her husband and especially to Adella and tell them all that we should be glad to see them out here this fall why can not some of you come out here this fall and see us we are a getting old and infirm and our work is almost done but we have this consolation

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that we have a hope that is as an anchor to the soul sure and steadfast that entereth into the vale where Jesus has entered we may never meet again in this world but let us live so that we can meet beyond this world there is verry many things that I could say to you if I could see you that I can not write to you it is quite a task for me to write soon as is convenient Lymans post office address is Holton Jackson County Kansas there is nothing more that I think of that will be of importance so I will draw this to a close by wishing you peace and prosperity in this life and a blissful and happy entrace in the world to come

yours in ChristLemuel & Matilda Colton


Mr Andrew FletcherWatervilleLamoile CoVermont

