Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher, 1865 July 14

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Malcom Powesheik Co IowaJuly 14th 1865Dear Uncle, Aunt, & Cousins

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how are you all these long summer Days, all well I hope, and prospering, hope you are enjoying life as People in your comfortable circumstances always ought, it seems a long time since I saw you and it may be a long time yet before we shall be able to visit you but you are so well situated that we shall hope to receive a visit from you before long

we have been so long from you that I hardly know what I can write that will interest you farther than that we are enjoying Comfortable health and are getting along as well

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as could be expected, though that is not very well, Mr Harvey has but little help and I do not nor have not helped him any for 2 years it is all that Lizzie and I can do, to do the work in the house the Baby is not a real cross Child but wants lots of care he has only 10 teeth yet we hope if he ever gets all his teeth he will be good, he is very tall and quite good weight though not at all fat we intend to get some Pictures of him and Lizzie as soon as we can get good ones, and we will send you one, we received your and Craigs last year Craigs is as natural as life, yours was a midling good likeness of you all only much to Dark I think little Ruth must be

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a fine little Lady I think she looks like Emma, now we would be very glad if you would send A Picture of Ella and Allie,

how is Aunt Lydia and her Family we should be glad to see you all, wont you come and spend the winter, that would be none to much time and it would do you good to lay aside all care and take a rest you have worked hard all your lines, now when you have plenty of means, why not enjoy yourselves you can visit your Brothers on the way and have a real good time, wont you please come

our County is being settled quite fast now Land is

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valued some higher than when we came here, the most of our Soldiers are comeing home and we are in hopes that before many years every thing will be going on as smoothly as though there had been no war has it not been a dreadful war, you have felt it more than we our Township has not lost a man in battle and only one has died of disease, he died at home this summer, we have never had a draft and our soldiers endured every hardship write to me of all that went from Waterville & Belvidere and write about every thing and every Body give my respects to every one of my Friends if I have any left and I shal hope I still have a few although there must have been many changes since I left the east with much Love to all I remain

your Afectionate NieceM F. Harvey

