Charles Hogan to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1863 March 25

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Camp SloughtonSanta Rosa IslandMarch 25th 1863Mr & Mrs Fletcher Dear Friends

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I take the opportunity of writing a few lines to assure you that I have not forgotten you & your family your precepts & good examples in regard to my health I will first remark that it is excellent for me considering the sickness I have undergone for the past two years you recalled of hearing the Rev Amos Williams relate to you the resolutions I formed & the promises I made in Morrisville now perhaps the question may arise in your minds have you lived up to them

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Well in answer I would say that I have not at all times forbut you cannot imagine the influence of a Co. of men of all characters & Situated in such a manner that a person is obliged obliged to asociate with the good as well as the bad notwithstanding I think if it had not been for my enlisting together with the sickness I have undergone both I entered in the army & since that never would have seen my lost condition there is one or two in the Co. that always have had a regard for religion & I used to delight in praying with them in secret Enos is well I must tell you that I have always felt a nearness to him more than any one else the other night he & I had a good Season of prayer

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in Rear of the camp it done my soul good to hear him pray I told him then I must should write to you & tell you of the proceedings for I must Confess that I always regarded & exteemed you as being in one sense a father & mother to me & I hop hope god will reward you both for the many good advices you gave me there is a revival in the Regt our little group No.s 12 or 13 & many others are so deeply of their sins that they have omitted swearing gambling & the like & seem to pay Some attention to divine worship I hope & pray that Enos will continue to take a part in our little meetings for he has such a mighty influence in this Co. & Regt that he would be the means gathering to the fold of Christ he truly is beloved by the officers &

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Men he so good to take care of a Sick person he has been appointed Corporal & if there is a vacancy he will certainly be promoted higher I hope to have your prayers & good wishes in the future that I may be faithful to the end god being my help one word to Craig & I will close well Craig how do you prosper in these times of war well I hope but here I am on Santa Rosa Island it is a mere sand bar 42 miles long & averages half a mile wide we are Seven miles from Pensacola our Camp is on the western extremity of the Island half a mile in rear of fort Pickens you must write to me & tell me all the news how you get along [snearing] & Co well Craig you know I always esteemd you as my brother & I think you did me now if you do not want to become religous I entreat of you to try & lead a steady moral life take this as an advice from your best friend & well wisher well Dear father & mother as I will take the liberty to call you please write soon & often I send my love Ella & Adella & Alison & to you

yours trulyCharles Hogan

