Ira Clark to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher and Mary Clark to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, 1861 November 21

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Ira W. Clark to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher Vergennes November 21 /61To our Much esteemed friends Uncle Andrew & Aunt Ruth & family

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Yours of the eighth was duly Receivd and with Much pleasure as we had began to think that you had forgotton us or the Letter had miscarried But the long looked for missive at length arrived which found us all well but far from being very happy on the acount of the way that Mr W Powers has conducted himself and his leaving in the way he did made many other things which I feign would write as in all probability err this you have heard more than the truth probably allready so there will be no need of my saying more about it Mother Powers is with us now she has moved goods to our place and will probably Remain with us as long as she lives if she can feel contented, her health is not very good at the present time but in hopes it will imporve, as trouble wears off Marys health is very good [        ]

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We appreciate Aunt Ruth your kind thoughts and sumpathy with us in our deep trouble and affliction Sympathy my dear friends does a great deal towards the anguish of heart and blunting the [     ] edge of affliction I acknowlege that I have not that hope in the future that I have not [settled] that long standing acount that stands against me in other words I have not done what has often told me to do to make my peace with god to enjoy the smile of our heavenly Savior but enough of what I know I alone have got to do that I alone am accountable for [    ] will please to say to Enos that I answered his letter that he wrote me in dew time and I should be glad to hear from him again if conveneient so to do We have not heard any thing from you at all since we was there till we [Received] your letter and we was afraid we should not unless we troubled with a line first we had never heard of Uncle Andrews sickness or any thing about you We could step in to the Parlor and look at little Ellas pleasent face we often wish that

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she were here herself to be company for us in this long [dreary] winter coming Tell Craig for me that he had better wait till I go and by that time we shall be wanted wait till the Chaff has blown away and by that time the Wheat will [     ] for its worth wait patiently Craig till I see you and then we will talk through the matter over come down Craig and see us this winter if it is so you can you and Ella start out this winter and come down and we will have a pleasent visit for we shall be very glad to see you all It has long seemed to me as if Uncle Andrew and Aunt Ruth might come down and make us a good long visit we should try and it as we could, if you it by [     ] and if it not as I predict then you need not try again in six months And Now Aunt Ruth if you will let little Ella come down here and stay awhile we will take the best of care of her shall go to school if you wish it and we will provide for her every want and any time when you think you can let her come Mary and myself will come up and get her and be assured that Mary would

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be a mother to her Now as I have got to leave a place for Mary I shall have to stop by saying write often and come and see us as often as you can and we will do the same My love to all write soon

yours trulyIra W Clark

Mary Clark to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher Well Dear Uncle and Aunt

How are you this pleasent evening as Ira has left me a very small space and I am going to fill it, you cannot tell how pleased I was to hear from you once more and to know that you were all well and happy towe try to enjoy ourselves and do considering the circumstances Oh you cannot tell how hard it is to think that my Father that I have always thought so much off should do as he has done but I cannot help it as I see, Now Aunt Ruth I want to see you all very much please Kiss little Ella Adele Allisson and Craigge for me I do wish that Ella could come down and stay with us awhile Our Harmon is smart and well now do write again soon and will do the same we mean to make you a visit again sometime if we live and I do very much wish you could come down and make us a visit give my respects to all inquiring Friends

from your own true FriendMary

