Ellen Colton to Ruth Fletcher, 1858 October 31

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Pierpont Oct 31st 1858Dear Aunt

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It has been a long time since I have heard from you I have begun to think you have forgotten me in my affliction but oh no it cannot be, I am alone to day Mother went away last night and I staid alone her health is no better she fails gradualy and how long she may be spared to me is known only to the lord but my prayer is that we may be prepared to say thy will be done. When my school closed my health was very poor I coughed most of the time and I feared that the disease was upon me but I am better now, My home is a lonely place without my Brother here but my loss was his

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eternal gain for he suffered every thing but those last words sister aint you coming to is often thought of here, we shall all go to him soon but he can never come to us he lives only in memory, Carlos is teaching again this fall he hired a boy to do the work so that takes a great deal of care from me he is a good boy Carlos makes thirty dollars a month he has taken a school this winter for thirty and board, himself. I shall have to stay with Mother she she takes opium all the time and that keeps her alive when that is gone she cannot sit up she wants to come and see you and Aunt Lydia but I dont dare to start with her if it was not for that I should start right off but it would not seem like home to me there now for death too has claimed his victim there, tell Uncle An- that I should be very happy to

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see him and the children oh how I long to imprint one fond kiss on each loved cheek for the recollection of you all is pleasant to me your kindness and care for me will ever be remembered though we may never meet here on earth I will strive to live so that the chain of social intercourse severed here may again be welded beyond the silent tomb thus to remain while ages roll their rounds, give my love to Aunt Lydia and the children if they still live for it has been so long since I have heard from you that there may be a great change, I had a letter from Lyman last week they were all well Tell Mary the next time you see her that it would be very pleasant to hear from her what is the reason she dont write to me she never has since I got home give my love to all friends tell Ann to write for I want to hear from her very much I have not heard

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from her but once this summer I have no more to write as soon as you get this if you care anything about me at all if not you need not I have no more so good by

from your niece and CousinEllen Colton

