Betsey Verona Colton to Ruth Fletcher and Lydia Willey, 1852 May 20

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Betsey V Colton to Ruth Fletcher, 1852 May 20 Otsego May 20th 1852Dear Aunt

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your letter dated January 19 was greatfuly and Joyfuly read I assure you a few days ago by your writing you thought I had forgot you but in that you are greatly mistaken but I will tell you my reasons for not writing one is I have writen several times to you and you have not answered to be sure I would hear from you every time that uncle L had a letter but then it was no answer to mine another is my writing is so poor that I am almost ashamed of it for schooling has been almost out of the question with me since I left Vermont fore it has always been my lot to stay at home and keep house but you will overlook that and try to read it I am sure will you not dear aunt you my dear aunt have been called to part with your dear children but that is not all or shall I tell or shall I forbear Grand mother is gone she died the last of march she had been sick most all winter by spells but the week before she died she had been quite smart Lyman went up there on saturday and found her quite comfortable she was so pleased to see him she sat up till nine a,clock but she was not so well in the morning when he left O aunt Ruth heavy were the tidings that came to us on monday that she was dead but so it is friend after friend have gone to that place from whence no traveler returns [    ] here in Indianna lies the cold remains of my poor Grand ma and memory still lingers o,re the spot where lies the body of my mother though so young and so many years have gone by it seems in another spot Aunt susan lies buried and others of my

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relatives to Often often does my mind wander back to the scenes of my childhood when I lived to Vermont there are dear friends who are near and dear to me by the ties of afection whose friendly faces I never expect to see in this world there are those that I used to associate with in the days of youth they too have doubtless some of them left their native home and gone to other parts some are dead no doubt dear friends it seem as though I could almost reach across the many lofty hills and spreading vales that lies between us and shake heartily the hand of friendship with you pen and ink cannot express my feelings nor can I hardly compose myself for [serious] are the thoughts which memory brings to mind of scenes of other years there is the day which I left vermont still fresh in my mind sometimes I almost fancy myself one among the little circle around your fireside a sharer in your evening devotions O dear aunt think upon your friends to the [far] west when alone you kneel in prayer O i can hardly write when I think upon the vacant arm chair which has been ocupied for so many years no more shall I hear her voice when a letter was recieved from any of you saying my Lydia and Ruth how I wish that I could see you once more but twill be but a short time before we all will follow her how consoling the thought that we shall meet each other if we live faithful in that happy land where we shall not be called upon to take the parting hand there is cousin Mary give my love to her tell her that I have not forgot her tho long years have gone and past tell her to kiss that little one for me if she would write to me I would gladly answer for I do not know her Post Ofice address my best love to Craig and Ellen tell them of a cousin far to the west you have not

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written respecting Cornelius and Levi for a long time I should like to know what had become of them too gladly would I visit you but means will not permit will goes but a little ways without the means you know still I have a faint hope that I shall see you once more if our lives are spared we got the letter which gave the account of Emma death and have written to you since but it seems it has not reached you we had a letter from cousin Carlos stating that they were all well but Curtis and he was on the gain by his his recovery was no longer doutful it was dated March 25 we have had a very hard winter for this country peaches are all killed by the frost uncle Lemuels family were all well the last we heard from them they live 8 miles from us Carseldana about seven miles I have not seen her for some time I will write a few words concerning myself my health is good at present my height is 5 feet four inches I weigh one hundred twenty three pounds C is about as tall as aunt Lydia as near as I can remember Lyman has grown to be a quite a tall fellow not very stout his age is 21 last August mine [29] last march it is thirteen years last fall since we left Vermont can it be possible yet so it is Father is well and sends his love to all he says he would be glad to come and see you all sometimes think he shall fancy to your self our forest home a log house and barn with about thirty acres cleared an orchard of peach and apple trees a yoke of oxen three cows ten sheep three two year olds two yearlings you see we have a comfortable home we live alone Lyman has gone out to work this summer have not heard from him since he left home which is four weeks Give my best love uncle Andrew tell him to come out here with you and see us give my respects to all

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enquiring friends do write as soon as you get this and not fail for it is a great satisfaction to hear from absent friends there is many things that I could write but I must close lest I weary your patience but more from want of room

from your affectionate neiceBestey V Colton

Betsey V Colton to Lydia Willey, 1852 May 20 Dear Aunt Lydia

It is with pleasure that I retire from the lazy scenes which suround me and devote a few moments in writing to you for you have not written to any of us for a long time a letter from you would be joyfuly recieved I assure you for I can tell you that it is a great fomfort to hear from near and dear friends tho many miles apart for if we cannot see each other we can communicate our thoughts by writing I hear by the way of aunt R that you are married if so I hope you take comfort in you new home with the companion of your choice give my respects to your husband tell him we should be very glad if he would with you favor us with a visit I think you would like this country for the winters are not so severe here as they are there, there is some hopes of a railroad going through this county and if it does it will go close by our farm you must write and not fail and I will answer Our love to all I must draw to a close for you see I have prolonged my letter to a quite a length by subscribing myself

your affectionate niece till DeathBetsey V Colton

My Post Ofice address in Otsego Stuben County Ind

