Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher, 1850 February 26

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Danville the 26 1850Well Aunt Ruth

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Caleb tells me that Father is to start for Watterville tomorrow morning & so I will write A few words you must not expect much for it is past 8 and I shall not have time I received your kind letter in due time was glad to hear that you were all well I had thought perhaps you was not well the cause of your not writing sooner I shall be glad to hear from you as [    ] often as in convenient for you to write Cornelius started for yesterday morning he is [going] to try to get into the foot buisines in Hopkinton as Millford I dont know how he will sucseed but he thinks that he can do A great deal better there than he could here I had rather he would stay here or go to st Johnsbury but he would not [had] advice in any way he had made up his mind to go on so he went I told him that he must write

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to you and I think he will when he gets into business he would not promise to writ me and if you have any word from him please let me know it have you heard from Levi & if so is he well I want to see him so I dont know what to do. how does Edson get along has he got most well. has Josaphine got the a courting most done when are they going to hire the Elder by the day to do up the job for them tell the Deacon to fix up real slick not have on any home made clothes cause if he does they will call him green to I hope they will send me A great hunk of wedding Cake how does Mary Hodgekin make it go now days has she got another [house] or does she keep the old one is Rachel Miss Willey or Mrs Chaffee

well I dont know but you have got out of all maner of [paitince] by this time and not to blame if you have for the writing looks so bad that I dont beleive that

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you can read half of it but have paitince a few minutes and I am done I must tell you that I went to spelling school one evening last week and that aint all I went to school the last half day I am happy and contented as the saying is. my health is rather better than when I left home I have been taking bitters made of prickly ash, snake root & blood root I dont hardly think that we shall be over this winter but cant Ruth come and see me if you can that is if you can take up with such acommodations as we can give and Caleb says that I get along better than he expected aint you glad now dont worry any more about me for I should get allong if I am only careful and I intend to be my love to all the family tell aunt L to write and come and see me to do write as often as possible

Mary. F. H.

where does Fisk and his woman live now

has Mary Johnson been up yet

where is Luke now A days

how does Diana get a long

has any body gone to callifornia

you see that I am verry inquisitive but have pateince and I wont write so much next time


Mrs. Ruth FletcherVermont

