Cyrus Cornelius Pratt to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher, [1848?] February 10

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Craftsbury Feb 10 1848Dear Uncle and Aunt,

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haveing a favorable opportunit I take my pen in hand to write you a few lines. I am well and hope these few words will find you well the same. I heard from Mary last Tuesday She is well and is contented I believe I work for my board at Mr Silas grows, Grows, they are very folks they give me a good chance to go to School I have learnt verry well so far. Mr Sprague has done very well by me since I came to Craftsbury Mrs Sprague little boy is as smart as a whip he is most as large as Emmy was last winter when I was there to your house Mrs spragues health has been better this sumer than common her cancer has not troubled her a great deal Mr Davisons folks are well as usual I believe. I heard Grandmother a few days since she was about starting for yorkstate I heard from Mr Wyat at the same time he is better he is rational they say he wrote a letter to aunt he said he was a comeing home

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soon, I some expect to work for James Coburn next summer I am goin to have seven dollars a month if I work him or any body else I know of four or five men that I could work for if I want to but I J I think James wife do as well by me as any one I intend to make you a visit in five or six weeks if it is possible I think I Shall have a good time I have not been any where since I came to Craftsbury I have not been away from the where i have been at work ol only to meeting should not you think I should be lonesome there [doese] not any one send me any letters hardley so I do not hear from any of my relation only once in a great while I do not want you should be like the rest of them I want to hear from you I want to know how little Creg and Emmy do I want to know where Aunt Liddy is this winter and about all the folks that you can think of Darius in Please to except this excuse all the mistakes, to be sure there is a great many of them ain't they

Good ByCyrus. C. Pratt


Mr Andrew FletcherSo, Craftsbury VtFeb 13

