Lydia Colton to Ruth Fletcher, 1839 May 24

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Dear Sister

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Having a few leasure moments I set down to let you know that our dear sister Susan departed this life last Sunday the 19th of May. How can I describe the trying scene that I had to pass through She was struck with death about sunrise and breathed her last about 11 oclock After She was struck with death she put her arms arround my neck and kissed me and said kiss dear Sister and say Farewell for me. A short time before she died she said give my best love to my Mother. said she if I could only put her arms arround her Mothers neck and kiss her it would be the greatest blessing she could enjoy. her dying strugles were severe She seemed impatient to go and be with her Saviour. Her funeral was attended Tuesday [       ] at this house Mr Wells preached the sermon he had visited her twice he talked very feelingly and I think I was comforted by what he said to me. I thought that you was sent for until Tuesday forenoon when Cousin Harry Dwinnel came here he said that you was not sent for They sent to [       ] for Mr Ellenwood____Judge of my feelings when I found that I alone (on her side) must follow my dear Sister's remains to the grave_________________

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I expect to go to Waterville in the course of a week or ten days Mr Pratt talks of getting Eliza [Andrews] to live here When I see you I can tell you better and more than I can write The children are all well

From your SisterLydia ColtonMay 24 1839


Mrs Ruth FletcherWatervilleVtJohnson VtMay 30

