Lemuel Colton to Ruth Colton, 1837 September 10

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Sharon Sept 10 1837Dear Sister

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it is with pleasure that I now embrace the opportunity of writing a few lines to you to inform you of my health which is verry good at present and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing I wrote to you about two months since and have received no answer and I did not know but that you was sick for you wrote to me last you was not verry well or you had not got my letter so I thought I would write to you again and i shall expect an answer to this on the reception of it without fail Sister Lydia is well and sends her love to you Brother Zebina and family were well the last time that I heard Sister Lydia is a doing house work here she has five shillings per week I have not heard from Shepard since that I last wrote to you although I have wrote to him I do not know but he has gone to some other place or it did not get to him

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give my love to mother and Clark and Susan likewise to Mary Lyman Cornelius Verona & Carseldana I wish you to write to me how Mother likes her place for I have not heard how she likes her place give my love to Brother Andrew and the rest of the family and likewise to all enquiring friends I have no news to write to you at present that I can think of excepting that Chen & Rachel Clough are both married Chen to Miss Eliza Sargent & Rachel to Col [Kompton] I read their marriage in a paper and perhaps you may have heard of it before so I will draw to a close by subscribing myself

your affectionate BrotherLemuel Colton


Miss Ruth A ColtonEden Vt.Sharon VtSept 11

