Isa Thorp to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 April [9]

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Underhill, VtApr. 1888Dear Katie

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I hope you will forgive me for not writing you before but my time has been occupied with one thing and another which has kept me from writing before. Well how are all the folks in J- I have had a nice time since I left J I went to Canada as I intended was two days in Montreal and visited quite a number of my friends and now I have settle down. (not to be an old maid school teacher.) We are making sugar now I don't know how much we have made, between

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five and six hundred pounds I think. I got a letter from Father yesterday and he wrote that the school which you applied for was taken for a year, but the committee in the district in which I lived wishes to hire you for this summer and if you give satisfaction for the remainder of the year. He wishes you to write him at once and states your terms if you want the school. They generally pay a teacher $3.00 or $3.50 per week and board them in the summer I think perhaps if you asked $4.00 and board you might get it. You would have a small school probably not more than 12 or 15 possibly 20 but the French scholars do not go steady. If you want to write

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to the committee address, C.K. Knight North Hero.

How is Carrie getting along is she going to school this spring? Give her my regards also the rest of the family and kiss Bessie for me I suppose she has grown a considerable since I saw her.

O have you had the tooth-ache lately? I laughed more over that than a little but it was not such a very laughing matter after all. How is Ober?

How goes the Lodge I am going to join here.

Was you any surprised when you got our card I got my wedding dress the I left your house and got it out in Burlington. I made it all myself, it is cream cashmere trimmed with crimson [natered] plush.

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I would like that dialogue if you have found it I had not read it yet. I came near being late to the train the morning I left your house. I must close for this time and write to some one else I owe every body a letter almost.

Please don't wait as long as I did before you write.

Good byeIsa M. Thorp.

P.S. Tell Carrie I will write her some time and remember me to Myra.

