D.C. Heath & Co. to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 March 6

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D.C. Heath & Co.,Publishers and Importers of Text Books for Schools and Colleges,5 Somerset Street and 19 Pemberton Square,Boston, Mass.March 6, 1888.Miss Kit E. Fletcher,Jeffersonville, Vt.Dear Madam:-

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Yours of February 4th received. We will try and answer it in the same spirit in which it was written, tho' it is not easy for us to enter fully into that spirit under all the circumstances; in other words, we find it hard to get stirred up over the matter at all, as we are perfectly willing to give you the maps if you have not paid for them, and we feel like apologizing thoroughly if you did pay for them. We return to you the letter sent us when you ordered the maps. When money is enclosed the amount is written across the corner of the letter, and checked. We do not recall an instance in all our business experience where we have failed to do this, and our opinion is that the money was not enclosed in your letter, as you said nothing about it, and since we do not find, as we have suggested, the amount written across the corner. May it not be that you intended to enclose the money, and forgot it? If our asking for it troubled you, why didn't you write on receipt of our first "dun", instead

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of waiting until you got the third one? We don't care for the references. We have no doubt you are both willing and able to pay your bills. We could warrant, too, that you are an excellent teacher; but we must conclude that you whipped at least three or four of the boys the day you got the third "dun".

We send circulars on some of our other books for Primary teachers, in which we think you will be interested, and for which we shall hope to have your order.

Respectfully yours,D. C. Heath & CO.

