Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 February 29 and Katherine Fletcher to Nate [s.n.] and Nate [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher and Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher and

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Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher, 1888 February 29 Johnson VtFeb 29th 1888Miss fletcher

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I thought I would fulfill my promise to you by writing as I promised you I should I have been so busy I have not had a chance before how did you get home from the Lodge I suppose Fred was down to see you the boys told him how we acted in the lodge he waid that was all right it was all in the family. The girls are all well and suppose the Deacon & his wife will be home

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to day this is one lovely day, good for a sleigh ride. if Nell knew I was writing this she would kill me but the best of it is she is not going to know it by my telling. Well I have got to go to the mill so of course must close for this time good by with a kiss from your


P.S. write soon


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Katherine Fletcher to Nate [s.n.] Nate:-

Did n't I hand you autograph awhile ago? I've don't know

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for sure,


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Nate [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher Katie FletcherKatie

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yes and I wrote in it that day & Newcomb did not & has not yet but I wil make him to night.

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Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher Miss Kate E. FletcherCedar RapidsFridayDearest Kate:-

Ca'nt you come down and see me this P.M.! I shall be awful lonesome if you dont. Mother is going to Missionary-meeting and Father is out to E. Fairfield and I shall be all alone. I am sick. Now if you have any sympathy for an

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old chum, come and see me. Come just as soon as you get this if you can.

Yours with love.M.E.[picture of flag]

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Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher Miss. K.E. Fletcher

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Dear Katie:-

Are you well enough to come down here this P.M.? If you are ca'nt you come? Mother is going to Missionary-meeting and Papa is not here and it will be awful lonesome if I am here alone. I have got lots to tell you and I want to see you about the next Y.P.M. Am lots better. Now do come and I will be your - cousin


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[Mamie Flagg?] to Katherine Fletcher K.E.F.Dear Katie:-

I can fully sympathise with you I am so weak I do not do any work and I get so lonesome and nervous I dont know hardly what to do any way. I feel as though people would think we were regular invalids, dont you? I wanted to go out to Enosburgh this week but of course the thing "blew over" and I feel real ugly. I am afraid I shall not be a very

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active member in our Society. I guess we will have to have a meeting like the one we had once last summer to get us wakened up. Ha!Ha! What do you suppose [Tervery] thinks of us. He inquired after your health the other night and I really think the good old soul pities us. Well I hope I shall see you soon., some way.

Good by-from your dovey.

