Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 November 13

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Sunday eve Nov 13. 1887My dear Katie

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I intended to have written you Sat, but shall have to apologize for forgetting the day of the week; there being no school on thursday and keeping Sat I lost the day of the week untill too late to write. School closed very , no recitations or anything! only in the evening the schollars went to the school house and played untill 9 o clock Miss Barton is staying over the

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the sabbath; will leave us to morrow, and Carrie and I have got to work this week, house cleaning I have cleaned only the pantryes. I have not seen Rosie yet, papa went down once, but she was not at home, he will go down again to morrow; you had better bring your hood home with you for if it is cold you will need it when you go to Burlington, I hope the sleighing will remain; you will go on friday for you will be too tired to go on Wednesday, and you could do nothing on thanksgiving day; about sending you the money for your shoes; will see you have it as soon as we can get it, you know papa bought thoes Jersey's, and since he came home he has bought (and paid $100) for

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a yoke of oxen, and this has used up the ready cash, and besides he bought all the children under wear, shirts & drawers and these cost $4.60 more, Mamie was home a week ago she was in to see me last Monday; did not go back untill monday night, she is looking miserable or else she powders too much If your hair continues to fall off wet it with cold sage tea so says Mrs Flagg

I guess you will get the impression from Carries writting that baby never cries, but you need not for she is not with her much, she can cry just as well as any baby, but she is a good child not a cross

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baby, she never wakes us during the night

I will caution you as I have before, dont worry over graduation; if you fail make the best of it and think you are not the only one that meet with such disappointments but we will hope for the best we are longing for you to come home it seems a long time since I have seen you I read your letters over & over every time I am alone (for a day or so) I will get your letter and read it; what a satisfaction it is to know how to write, I have written this letter the forepart of the evening when the family are all presant, and if you find many mistakes lay it to noise the boys tell me so much to tell katie that I shant undertake to tell any thing Rhett has got into one of his glees, laughing

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Rhett has learned to read nicely this term, he has done better than ever before; but some find fault with Miss Carrol, but she will have the little ones next term. I think Ida feels badly to think she cant come back but such a noisy school never was known I guess you will think this is a letter and a 1/2

with much love and many kisses for Katiefrom Mama

