Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 September 21 and September 22

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1887 September 21 Wednesday Sept 21st 1887.My dear child!

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After Bessie's birth

I guess you think it is a long time to wait for a letter from mama but I write just as soon as I am able I am sitting up in bed now writting but if nothing happens shall be dressed friday or saturday (rest) Mrs Green has called this morning, as usual the neighbors are all very kind Mrs Flagg has been in every day my nurse is splendid I presume Mrs Tracy knows her; her sister married Mrs T_s brother; but Elsie beats them all, shant keep her long for we should not have a thing left in the house. yesterday papa

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bought 4 1/4# stake and she cooked it all for dinner enough for three meals she is going back to live with Willie when I get through with her he is here to work to day cutting up corn she enjoys it

Baby is a nice child. never cries she is very fat. the next night after she was borned Mrs Burnham brought in some Steelyards to weigh her, they weighed her and found that she would tip the scales at 12 1/2#. Ray is willing that most anyone shall have her. but Rhett cant spare her he thinks every thing of her, Ray calls her Jack. Carlie Weston is quite sick. how do you like your new boarding place

take care of yourself and not get cold I took cold about

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a week before baby was borned and I have coughed terrably but it is better now shant keep my nurse only untill friday night dont come home untill you think best for we are all right you did nicely in [      ] no more this time hopeing to write oftener in the future

I am your lovingMamma

1887 September 22 thursday night

papa has just received your letter I should have sent you a little money to day if you had not sent for it would send more but have got to pay the hired girles to day Mrs Wakefield goes home to night and Elsie

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wants to get her a new hat and some new dresses therefore she wants a $10 bill but these expensess will stop before many days; you want to know why I have not written my child I write just as soon as I am able you see I have been since Wednesday writting this am going to get up to day


