A.J. Hamm to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 July 11

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STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS AND BIBLES.Leighton's Corners, N.H.,July 11 1887Miss Kate FletcherDear Madam.

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By the kindness of a friend I have your name & take the liberty to write hastily. Time will not allow me to write as I wish but suffice it to say we want to hire you to canvass for our book this summer and fall.

If you will give good references and prepare by our plan for a few days we will pay you a regular salary of $50.00 to $100.00 per month.

I have had a large number here to prepare but can arrange if I can see you for you to prepare at home

In case you do not know of our standing we can produce the best of references.

Will you kindly meet me at Hyde Park at the American house July 28 to talk the matter over.

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If you work for us 3 months we will pay your fare to meet us.

You will like our plan of work.

Will you please reply by July 18.

You can choose territory.

Hastily but trulyA.J. Hamm

Cant you work during vacation at least? H.

