Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1887 June 4

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Sat.- afternoon.June 4, 1887My Dear Mama:-

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your letter was rec'd. this noon, and I will now answer it so if Ida should come in, I might send it down by her, if she does not I will send it by the night mail.

I have clothes enough mama without bothering about sending them home and furthermore I do not want her to be carrying them around the community, such looking

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things as they are. I will get along all right. All I am thinking about now is my dress. I want her to have it done so that if Ida comes home by the 17 the she can bring it, and if there should be any thing about it, that is not all right I would have plenty of time to fix it.

I caught cold coming up & am a little hoarse yet. I found Miss Carbee quite sick with the measles & she is not able to go out yet.

I want that money for Miss Galusha awfully. & please send it as soon as you can.

If I were you mama

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I would write to Mrs. T.- before great while, asking her if she would willingly wait until 3 weeks after school closes for her pay & have matters fixed up a little before the last minute, It don't seem as though I ever had quite so much on my mind to bother me as I have now, examinations and all.

I went to a reception at Lucy Bakers last night and had a grand good time. It was intended for a lawn party but as it rained they had to give that up. Bertha and I just came in from the street. while we were out I saw Mr. Bassett, he

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has probably been up to Mr. Saraways funeral which was to-day. I think Uncle Ed's letter quite good and I mean to write to him often now. I sent my proof back to Gauvin yesterday to have finished. It is quite satisfactory. Our Ex.- is on Wed. eve and if I were you mama I would write to aunt Dell and tell her if it would be convenient, that you would stop there that night & take her in with you as you then would have someone with you

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when papa goes to hitch the horse and would not have to stay down in the hall waiting for him but would have someone to go into the hall with. Don't you think I am getting quite thoughtfull for others?

This is probably the last letter you will ever get from me mama, while I am "sweet sixteen" Why! I came awful near leaving off the last of that sentence. What if I had?


Tell Carrie, never to write to me.

