Nida George to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 May 2

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Stowe Vt.May 2. 1887.Dear Katie:

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I was very glad to hear from you again and thank you for your promptness in answering. I commenced my school yesterday and have only just got organized. The first day was an awful hard one. I had an idea that the scholars here were going to be much smarter than at any other school where I have taught and that I must put the best foot forward and not make any mistakes lest the scholars feel that they were smarter than I. I have some quite good scholars in my school but they are not very old. I have 15 in all and expect to have some more. I have enjoyed the day to-day very much. The school house is large enough to accomodate fifty scholars. It is supplied with maps (such as they are) a globe, dictionary and suplementary

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text books. The yard is large and pretty and the school house is painted white and has blinds. I think it is quite a nice house for a district school.

It is situated about half a mile below Stowe village in what is called the Lower Village. I have said enough about my school I guess.

Don't you dare wish to change places with me for good as the place is I shan't have half the fun that you will and shall have to work harder.

Mr. Bugbee had a rather narrow call for life I should think. It gave me quite a start when I read it.

Was he hurt at all?

Oh! Kate! Who do you think called on me or at our house last Friday night? Mr. Chase. He was so talk-ative that he was perfectly ridiculous. I think he must have been drinking.

My sister got real angry with him and said some pretty sharp things.

I asked him about Mrs. Tracy and that

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started him off to ask if I knew anything about the girls there. He inquired about all that was there last term and told about that one who went to Mr. Sandons going away. He said that the reason why she went away was because Mrs. Tracy would not carry her wood up stairs.

And then went on to give his opinion about the matter. I did not say anything because I knew nothing about it but had an idea that perhaps the youg lady might have a different story to tell.

I have walked and worked this spring until I am all tired out. I had the hardest time when I went to the examination I walked to and from the village and the examination was long and hard. I was almost afraid that I should not pass.

I did though. I succeeded in getting 85%.

Give my love to Miss Carbee.

I wonder if she will get all out of C. this term. I should hardly have supposed she would have come back if she could not. I can't think of much to write that it

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as though might be of interest to you. As it is getting dark I think I will close. hoping you will write soon.

I have written a letter to Mrs. Ritterbush to-day.

Your loving friend.Nida E. George.

