Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher, [1887?] April 3

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Jeffersonville, Vt.Apr. 3, 1887.Dear Katie:-

I did not go to S.S. to day because I did not get ready in time so will write to you. I wrote you the next week after you went to J. but it did not get sent so please forgive me this time for not writing before. Have you had any new sugar yet? I have not had a taste. O Katie! I feel bad for Nellie now honestly

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and I think it is real mean that folks cant let her go any where without gossiping all over town. The other day there was a story around about her going with Mr Croft to Flora Browns wedding and it was all made up, and she did not go down to hear Sam Jones lecture either and mama said that Mrs. G- said he only had that one (spell) and he was not 'crazy' either. Now dont you laugh but would'nt it make you mad if you

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went to a place with any one and then be the general talk of the neighborhood. Remember you promised not to tell what Nellies aunt Marion said. I have got so much to tell you that I cant hardly wait for you to come home.

Ethel wants to teach this Summer but her mother is sick and wont let her. If I was in her place I would just let Mr. Alonzo Kinsley know who I was and march right straight off. now would'nt you? I

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cant bear him he is so slow & talks so slow and spiteful.

Carrie said you were coming home Fast Day, and come down here if you do. Prehaps we can have our grand ride any way we will have a good time. I cant think of any thing to write since I came home. I wish we lived in some decent villiage dont you? this is so dull.

With love,Mamie.

Please excuse mistakes as I am in a hurry and must write some more.
Katie Fltcher (courtship)
Willis Hubbard (love) O! How silly

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[Coasting] Party
Mr.- Mr- Mr-
Why dont you introduce us?

