Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 February 25

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Friday eveFeb 25, 1887My dear child!

It being friday night I presume you are expecting that I am writting; and that to-morrow you will get a letter; well you will, but not much news for it is so cold people are more comfortable at home than away, altho Carrie is visitting at Mr McNellies, went up there yesterday. papa has gone after her this evening, Wednesday when papa was going to the mountain she got on the sled and went up to Winnies; you know they have moved back on

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to the farm You wrote about my seeing Mr Melendy; papa says he would not, so dont borrow any trouble and we will manage some way, you know Mr Hall generally orders about 500# sugar and if we cant do any better we can take that. We had a letter from Unlce Ed last night; he has given up coming this spring; cant get away, he would like to have us send him syrup but I guess it would not pay I have been sewing this week have made Ray a dress and two aprons and Carrie two waists with what she has done on them she has made herself two white aprons and now is knitting a pair of mittens, she had

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one more than half done when she went away yesterday I am knitting the mate to it, my print is down being cut, shall ("perhaps") get it by next week, if I do shall make that next Rhett is all right; he is out growing his naughty freaks some, I was in hopes I could have sent your things before this but papa has not found time to get away and there is never a chance to send by any one be a good girl study hard take good care of yourself dont fret and all will end well

good nightMama

