Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 February 18
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I some expected papa would go to Hyde Park to morrow and if he had Carrie would
have gone up and staid with you but as we did not get the money for the oxen
untill to night and it being in a check and cant get the money on it at presant
he will not go before next week I wanted to send you some money in this but
[Breker] has not paid us yet so I cant I went to the Boro
this morning got me a print dress a pair of shoes the boys some
stockings and a pair of corsets for you papa took your watch down; the trouble
was a piece of glass in it, I have finished your waist these things I will send
the first chance I have We have got the pump to work in the kitchen Carrie has
been having another sick day but is better to night was not able to go to school
it closed to day Rhett went down and got a card Girden Lease got his hand badly
sawed in the oar mill yesterday heard to night they were fearfull he would have
to have it cut off [Gongo] did not wait long for his pay he has
taken it in hay Mrs Cleveland brought home
my dress yesterday they had
their big concert up east last night took in about $4,00 they say it comes off
here to morrow night Carrie has nothing to do with it
good nightMama