Ruth Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1887 February 16

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WatervilleFeb. 16 _87Dear Craig

We looked for you up here all the week last week but did see you your Father told Katie to tell you that he wanted you to bring or send him some money he was short & had to borrow he very much needs some to pay it please help him to some he would have been down to your place long ago if he had

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been able he has been failing all winter he has not been as far as the village for nearly 3 months and hardly goes out at all any where we thought the girls would tell you how poorly he was and you would be anxious to come & see us the time may be short that you can come & see us perhaps you may wish then you had come oftener you have not been here but once in 7 or 8 months (& then a short time) please all come and not neglect us so do not forget your Father & Mother in thier old age. we shall expect you soon after you receive this please come

Your own dear Mother

