Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 January 7 and Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher

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Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1887 January 7 Jeffersonville VtJan 7, 1887Dear Katie-.

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As I promised to write you I will I have not been to school any to speak of this week But Mamma said when you got home I could go every day I went to east Cambridge last night. Mr Cleveland we got a class and last Tuesday night we got a school of 15 [head] I think and we are going to Waterville next week Hattie goes to we have lots of fun Rhett is better but he is ofly shaky I

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have stayed withe Rhett three times and let Mamma go out doors I hope you are doing well at your school I dont believe you will find this letter very interesting for News is scarce my new book I sent for has come the Sentinel it is a nice book I think. it is the same place where the [Conquerer] came from C. E. Lesslie the Author Mamma was down to Mrs Smith the other day and She sent Rhett home a lot of picture books I must close for I cannot think of any more to write

your sisterCarrie

(excuse all mistakes a bad writing) Carrie Carrie

Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher Dear Katie

How are you, are you hoarse yet (there is no news) Rhett is getting better, that is he feels better and will keep more quiet when I hold him, to day we got the money [of] T Ray more and paid off the Carleton heirs, try and see what arrangments you can make about going back to school for I want you should get through

good nightMamma

