Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1886 November 17

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Johnson, Vt.At School, Wed. afternoonNov. 17, 1886.Dear Mamma:-

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While waiting for club to open, I can write a few lines, so will.

School closes tues. night so I shall be home on the evening train. I rather think Bertha and Myrtie will come down with me and stay until, sometime the next day. Don't you

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put yourself to any trouble though. I shall not let them know that I told you of it, but I thought it was best to do so.

I went to the school exhibition Mon. night. I have taken my summer hat down to Mrs. Hunt's. With those flowers on it looked all to-gather to summery She is to dress the satin over, and put in some brown velvet with it, and a wing and feathers for $1. I am going down after it after school for I shall want it to night at

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scholars prayer meeting. I thought you would just as soon I would have it fixed. We heard from Waity this noon she is worse than when she left here. Probably she will not be back this term. Three new scholars have come in this quarter.

Professor Ober's lecture on Mexico tomorrow night.

Miss Chase will cut my pattern Sat. Have no more time or news now.

Love to allKatie E. Fletcher

