Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, 1886 September 11

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Johnson, Vermont.Sat.- Morning.Sept. 11..- 1886.Dear Mamma:-

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I now have time to write you, as I promised, and let you know something about my-self, and the school. School opened very large Tuesday morning, with about eighty, I think, and others have been coming in all the week; so that now I do not know ex-actly how many there. are. There are a number of the old faces back again

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but there are still many more of the new. The acknowledged belle of the school, is a Miss. Smith from Richford who is certainly the most amiable person of the school, or that I ever saw. The Algebra is tough. History hard. Physiology & English peaceable. By the way,- they have always used Steele's Physiology here untill this term have now changed to Walker's. so I ways oblidged to get me one, after paying out what I had to I did not have enough to pay for This, so if you can send me a dollar when you write I will pay for it.

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You will probably want to know how I like my boarding place. Well- I don't know. I room alone, as that girl from Georgia is not in school, do not think she intended to be any-way. Living is very plain, but if I can get enough of it I shall be all right. Shall have to furnish my kerosene as Mrs. H. said nothing was said of that what-ever. Mrs. H. is not always in her right mind, Mr. Campbell told the girls about it when they came here to room. The girls who room here are very nice indeed thier names are Alma Haggett & Mable Gay I like Miss. D the better of the two. They

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are in the D. Class. I have seen a good many homesick home hours since I left home, wish I was there, but I shall stay here as long as I can do not know how long that will be. I went to a reception at Prof's. last night & had a good time. I can speak this term or next, but prefer next, for various reasons have not time to write the. Nothing more at present. Shall expect a letter from you now.

Love to all,Kate.

