Marion Cornell to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 23 and Burton [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 24 and Ida Thorp to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 25

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Marion Cornell to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 23 Cambridge VtJune 23 1886Dear Teacher:-

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As you wished for me to write you a letter to remember me by I will do so.

I am up in my room writing this letter.

I hope our Picnic will pass of plesantly I am going to try to do my best & hope will not forget what times we had going up to practis.

I will tell you that you have been a good teacher & that I have got hold of things & understood it better than any teacher I ever went to school too, you may not think that this is true but I do

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and you may think that your task was a good one in District No 12.

I hope that we may remain friends as long as we both live and when our time comes for us to die we may both meet in Heaven together.

I will bid you Good Night for it is my bed time.

Your Friend & PupilMarion Cornell
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Miss Kate Fletcher Jeffersonville Vt.

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Burton [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 24 CambridgeJune 24 1886Dear Teacher do

I am well and [   ] also you are. i think school [brty][     ] and i we are learn lots and I are [picnic] and we go up in wood to night [ ] up the last day going up the last day go ing up the last day going [speath peaes] and [doglows][boat] of fun.


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Ida Thorp to Katherine Fletcher, 1886 June 25 Cambridge June 25 1886Friend Katie

I thought I would write you a few lines. We are going to have a picnic this afternoon I wish you could be there. We are going to speak pieces and dialogues we are going to meet with another school up in Chaly's Powell's woods. This term I took four studies Arithmetic, Reading, Physiology, and Spelling.

Write Soon

From your friendIda S Thorp

Remember sharpening pencils Introduction. The two-new cousins. I want you to write to me.


Miss Kate FletcherJeffersonvilleVermont

3 of 4 pupils my 1st teaching

