Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher, [circa 1887 November]

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Dear Mamma-

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Carrie wanted me to write you, and tell you she did not think she would be home until Sat. noon. I guess she is enjoying herself and would like to stay.

She stayed with Mrs. Warren's last night and to-night I guess she will stay at Aunt Dell's & Fri. night with me. I thought she

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would like it full as well as to stay here all the time.

Our Public Club went off grandly. Carrie will tell you all about it. The seats for Normal course of lectures were sold to-night to the scholars; or rather they were bid off. I had a present of a ticket; one of the best seats, it was at .80 I think. Quite a present dont you think so? It will save me the expense of buying at any rate.

Am in a great hurry for it is time

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nearly for mail to close. Mama I wish you would write me a good long letter telling me all about yourself.

Love to allKatie

A kiss for Bessie & the boys.

