Katherine Fletcher to Family, [circa November 1887]

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Johnson, Vt.Sunday Afternoon.Dear Ones at Home.-

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I have just got home from church and do not mean to let another hour pass before I have a letter ready to send out to you tomorrow. Altho I have a wretched head-ache, and it does not seem as though I could write, but feel it is my duty. I often wonder when I sit down to write to you, -if my letters are as welcome as the ones I receive from home. It does revive me to hear from you all. I have so many things to write, you see I wont confine myself to common note-paper.

Mr. & Mrs. A. gave us the liberty to invite in gentlemen friends, providing we could easily obtain Prof's permission for last evening. Prof. was willing so we invited in six, twelve of us you see made a very select company, Everything passed off grandly and the boys declared they had had a tip-top time -- never had a better. All had been out in society a good deal, knew how to appear,

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so it was not very difficult for us to entertain them.

Supper was served at 9:30 Mrs. Andrews put herself out a great deal. I think more than she ought, to please us girls. I dont think I ever sat down to a nicer arranged table. We were first served with oysters, afterward cake, coffee etc. We were left to ourselves to eat, and a right merry time we had.

We spent the evening with games mostly. We had a table which was spread across the sittingroom, and well blandeted on which we played croquet, We had other games such as back-gammon, checkers, etc. The last of the evening we spent in social, Mr. & Mrs. A. joining us. We had the front parlor, and a fire in the old-fireplace with no other light. We told stories, conumdrums, and cracked jokes until the boys thought it would soon be Sun. & it would please the deacon better if they left. Will have to leave the rest of this till I come home.

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Our class gave a reception at Normal Hall Fri. eve. It made me a great deal of extra work to see to. I, being Pres. everything was left for me to look out for. We never had as many visitors as on that evening. but after literary work was over they left, so were could enjoy the promenades by our-selves. I feel after all my speaking I never came off as victorious as on the piece I spoke. I never was as sick as I was for a few minutes after I left the stage. I was so excited and the hall was so heated I came as near fainting as anyone could. We had up side curtains and I was glad of it so as to hide myself. I heard the girls tell Mr. Andrews after they came home that he came pretty near losing Miss Kate. They tried to call me back again onto the stage but I couldnt trust myself. I also had a part in singing "Emmet's Lulluby" with Miss. Smith which took first rate. But now dont you want me to tell you they rest of it? I have worn my shoes since June, and to go upon the stage in such a bright light with those ridiculous

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things on my feet was more than my pride could endure. I got me a pair of shoes $2.50 at Mr. A's I have not got my hat trimming with that dollar you sent me, but have saved it to help pay for my shoes. I want to have the rest sent to me as soon as you can so that I may pay for them. Will try & keep them fit for graduation. I want, mama, you should engage Rossie to see to my dress, for it must be made, that is, if I need it, Thanksgiving Recess. (My shoes are $3. ones but Mrs A. let me have for $2-50)

My kids are getting rusty & if you got to the Boro this week get me another pair of them black, No. 7's, Be sure they are mates.

Examinations are going to be crowded right on next week. It makes me sigh.

Don't you call this something of a jumble? I do.

Mean to go in and see Prof. Sat. See about that money, but dont know for the life of me what to say about it, and see if he thinks I am shaky enough so I hadn't better return after thanksgiving. But when I think of leaving Johnson for good I feel like-------

Good-Bye. Love for allKate.

