Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [circa 1887 October 6]

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Sunday nightDear Katie

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I wrote you Saturday but did not get it in the office in time so will try again I intended to have gone up and stayed with you friday night but papa had to go to Fairfax to buy sheep so I could not I went down to Perhams with him had a very good visit Berthy said she had not received a letter from you, Angie Day has got back have they got on any cloaks up there papa brought up one the other day for me to look for you h it was very nice, black price $15,00 should have taken it up if I had gone friday and tried it on to you but I presume it will not be sold before you come home if it is they are going to have more come I do not know what to tell you about the house it takes Chad__wick so long Mr Phelps has come (I think to advise him) Papa says he thinks he intends to let us have it he said yesterday he was waitting to hear from his Omaha friend where he intends going and besides Mrs C_ has had to go to a sick sister in Rochester has been gone nearly a week I attended the Temperance lecture thursday eve it was very good but not a house have been to church this afternoon Rev [J] Hatch preached "I guess you think paper scarce" but guess you can read it good night

be a good girl fromMama

