Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [circa 1886 May 17]

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Dear Katie:

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Yours was received last night. We like Miss Barton very much, and I think she likes just as well. she and Carrie are in the parlor now singing for papa and Mr Hebb__ About your dress; if the one you speak of is nice and Mrs Chase thinks $3.75 cheap enough for it, get it. I do not think Johnson a very cheap place to trade but she ought to know the value of such goods, and if you are not in a hurry I will look at the Boro

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when I am down. you know they had them at [W&Poyes] last summer, Bryan is in Market this week, so they will have their goods in a few days, and about the making if you thought Mrs Cleveland could make it just as well, you know it would be paid for; but if she cant make it to suit, you can have it made up there. I wrote you, we should try and get Mrs Tracy some money by the 20th. I will try and send you the money for your dress next week, as papa thinks he can raise it. I do not believe I would ask for money for pictures just now not but what we would notlike to have you exchange but by the time we get through with this term it will cost us $75

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and besides we have got to get for the others; especially the boys. they have nothing I have just finished Carries sack to night, the one I commenced before I made you dress, (Miss Barton has taken Carrie to bed with her, they slept toggather last night) I think I've answered all of your questions so good night write and tell me if this is all satisfactory

With much loveMamma

