Carrie Blodgett to Katherine Fletcher, [circa 1886] May 10

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North DanvilleMay 10thDear Friend Katie

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I recieved your kind & welcomed letter, and am ashamed of my-self for not writting but could not find time to, have set a number of days to write, but something would hapen & I could not, and thought I would set up until mid-night I could not get it done before

I have written a letter to Gertie [Whitcome] to night

You did not say any thing about your Comeson and do not know what has become of it. I have thought of that many & many of times and would like some of those

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good time's we used to have especially riding on trucks.

Do you remember the time you and Ethel Kinsley were sliding on the hill by Mr Bucker's. I asked Nell [ ] if she had been out sliding, she said "No indeed I have not, do you suppose I would be seen sliding." and I thought if she had always remembered that, and had done no worse she would be thought more off. now you must not tell what I say about her, for she does not like me any better than I do her, I wish Clarence's coat tail would break and let her down would like to see her fall, I thought she and Willie had gone through before this time, if he was not one of the best of boys he would not

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have not any thing to do with her (and some of them would not)

Well, I guess I shall have to close for this time, hope you will excuse poor writting and spelling for I am getting sleepy. write soon.


PS. Please tell Peter, I have got that candy [yet].

Carrie Blodgett

