Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, [1887 January 13]

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Wednesday nightDear Katie

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The Cleveland club have gone to Waterville to night consequently the boys and I are alone and they are both asleep so I will write a line to you the club consists to night of Mr & Mrs C_ Carrie Hattie G. Hattie McCluer Ida S Thorp & Mr McNelly papa carried Carrie and Mr McN they went up early for C_ wanted to get there so as to practice so he has all their suppers to pay for about paying Mrs Tracy we have not got a dollar in the house you know we have put every cent

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into the farm but papa says he shall get it for her by the time school closes I do not think we shall be up prehaps Carrie will for I would not leave Rhett altho he is better and to day I really think he twitches less I got the letter sunday night that you sent Sat did not go to office Sat night

good nightMamma

