Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher, 1885 July 29

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Johnson, V.t.July 29, '85.Dear Katie:-

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I intended to of written you before but I have been off a visiting and did not get a chance while away to write you, I have been to Calais where we used to live and to Hardwick a visiting; had a splendid time went to a promenade Concert while in Calais went to Woodbury about 5 miles from Calais, I saw lots of old friends to that

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I saw Bert Bancroft, but I did not go with him. Lucy told me she had been down to see you, she went over and had a tooth out to night I guess it hurt pretty bad.

The band played out last night. I went out in the street with Nell Foster and listened to it Walter Bradley was out with his gall miss [Witherel] and Eddie Heath had a girl I dont know who it was not Lucy.

How is Carrie now does she get called up in school now or probably school is done I did

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not think when I commenced to say it. I am always saying something that I ought not to you know or else turning it round so you laugh at me. Oh Kate you left a collar and your blue ribbon book marks here and I meant to of carried them to you when I went or send them before but I forgot to do so. I will send the book mark in my letter but I presume the collar will not go in. Have you heard from Carrie Blodgett yet I have not I have not taken any school yet

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I should when I was in Calais but mother said she did not know as she could spare me to go away so I did not. I may possibly go to school but I think not, are you coming back, write as soon as you can and I will try and answer it sooner. I dont know but I have written to you now since you did to me but I believe not. Oh dear (dont that sound natural) I am so sleepy I must go to bed so good night.

with loveCarrie F.

Williams is just going through the hall to go to his room to bed shall I say good night to him for you. Mrs. Keeler is the same as ever.

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Thursday morning.

P.S. I went to lodge last monday night and Harry Fullington was there sit right back of me and he acted like fury full of the old cat the same as ever. our lodge meets in No. 2. now so I have the extreme pleasure of visiting that lively abode every week. dont you know your last examination in algebra was in that rum and your name was written on the board 2 times right under some of your work I guess. so I looked at it and says to Harry. I wonder what

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that is written over there on that black board and he looked at it but could not make out so I says I wonder what it is (I knew) you had better go and see so he went and twisted around and finially perceived that it was Fletcher and he did not know what to say (how I laughed at him). I made him blush any way well I guess I have scribbled enough for this time. I am in a hurry Nat is screaming Carrie now write [sun].

