Willis Hubbard to Katherine Fletcher, 1885 March 10

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Jeffersonville VtMch 10 1885Deer K.F.

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I received your letter Sunday morning Feb 28. Did not go to the office that Saturday night went over to Cora Davis' to the party, Peter said he was going over and take you with him but I did'nt see anything of either of you. Their was only a few there and I was almost sorry that I went I did'nt dare to say much to you the other evening at lodge for fear of offending Peter. I may not see you again very soon at lodge or any where else. You know Mr Mead has gone west and I will have to be at home all the

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time. Joe Wathino is going to work for me through sugaring. Have looked at several back numbers of the News and Citizen but could not find what you mentioned in your letter. Am sorry that the P.M. has so much trouble with the "Normal Dasies," would like to be in his place. I suppose you count yourself in as one of the "Daisies" dont you? As for the photos I am in the same fix that you are, I have none but perhaps I will have some as soon as you do, but can't guess what you want of me of mine unless you want to hang it up in some corn field if that is what you want you certainly shall have me. Have not seen Carrie Blodgett lately but

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when I do I shall find out what it was that she said she would tell me. Am glad you have a good time up there and only wish that I was there It will take you [from] nine to ten to make out what I have scratched down already so I think I had better stop. Hoping to hear from you soon

Ever your friendWillis S Hubbard.

Write to me often
Write to me soon
For your letters to me are sweeter
Than the lovliest flowers in June

