Carl Smith to Katherine Fletcher, no year March 28

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San Jose.March 28Katie Fletcher.Jeffersonville.Vermont.Dear Cousin.

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Your letter of the 24 inst. was gladly received, & I will try to keep my promise & answer all your letters, although I am a bad penman & a very bad composer.

How I wish I could be with you while you are sugaring besides the fun I could have all the sugar I wanted, for I have not tasted real maple sugar for over a year. Then the fun of sliding down hill would be splendid. You know we have no snow here except on the mountains which looks very over a stretch of very green

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grass. In your letter you asked me, did I like to read, I do very much. If you were here you would have all the reading you would want. For there is a large public library here in which there are hundreds of all kinds of books. (The library also contains Uncle Tom's Cabin.) Uncle Tom's C. is comeing here as a play tomorrow & I am going to it. I enclose the announcement in the daily news papers. I wish you were here to go to it, for just what is in the book is acted out in real life. You spoke as if San Jose was a small town when you asked if there was a temperance Lodge. here. there are five that I can think of & San Jose is larger than Burlington or Montpeilier. I used to be a member of one of them but I left. If you want a good speaker ("100 Choic Selections") I will send it to you. if you want it. Now Katie I hope my letter is as interesting to you as yours was to me.

I remain Yours. RespectfullyCarlie.

