Sarah Nolan to Catherine Smith, 1884 February 11 and Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, undated

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Sarah Nolan to Katherine Smith, 1884 February 11 MarengoFeb the 11th Dear Sister

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I rec,d yours this morning and as I am not able to do anything else will pen a few Lines to you I was glad to hear from you it makes me very sad to hear of the Death of the Last of that family Mrs Derby stands alone the Last of a large family are they comfortable in this worlds goods Henrietta is still the same poor frail afflicted patiented one she Is not any Better than when you Left here She Sits In her Invalid Chair once In [thwo] or three Well as she Is able She has a very nice one we visited Cornelia In Wheaton Since you was here She thought you might have Stopped off Said it was because She was her health so very poor

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She has something the matter with her Stomach cancer or Something I think will go hard with her She Lives with Lucetta her youngest daughter In Mason Co in this state they are rich and She has a good home Now for the winter since the 1st of Jan. it Is very Cold I was up at [Eli's] to Spend Newyears and I had to Stay a week and oh Such a week But we got through Some how it has Been raining Ice now almost a week we have to wear felt Boots and Rubbers It has been so Slippery all winter we rec,d a letter from Mary Jane She had Been very sick she Is coming home In June as her oldest Son will Graduate then I want you and Lurena to come here then we will try and have us all here there Is a nice monument at Smith W Nolans

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marion Lives In Co. Iowa they are well off have 5 Children Brother Sam,l and Jane Smith Lives In Ringgold Iowa Mc Aitchison and Mary Jane in Griggsville pikes Ille Ill mr A buried one of his Daughters this winter John Is in a Law office with his Brotherinlaw in Iubuque [morey] Lives wher they did when you were here Elisa,s health is very poor we have 2 nice Little girls Ernie is [crying] to write to her aunt Kate She Loves all of her folks very much I think that we will Have winter enough yesterday It rained Ice all day it is Snowing today Sometimes I fancy we are In Canada

we have had our Likenesses taken we got six and they did not go round shall get six more in the Spring which I think will Be all that will Be wanted the artist Keeps the negative So can take them at any time

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but I have not told you what Henrietta Is doing on her Lonely sick Bed She Is piecing a crazy quilt made all of silk pieces all small and embroiderd together She has pieces sent from everywhere Some from [philladelphia] Some from Main by members of the Society one Lady who had Been traveling in Europe sent her Some beautiful pieces worth nearly 2 ,$,2 you can send some if you choose and Bentleys wife too send By mail I must stop writing I am very nervous Edwards folks are well and wish to be remembered to you when I get those Likenesses I will send some to you and Lurena it will not be Long this is my first Letter written in 2 years answer this soon

your Loving SisterSarah S Nolan

Love to Bently and wife and Boy S Nolan

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Katherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, undated

Dear daughter I send you this letter thinking you would like to know something about your fathers relatives hoping to hear from you soon Mother

