George B. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1878 December 15 and Catherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher

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George B. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1878 December 15 Burke N.YDec. 15th 1878Dear Bro & Sister

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Some time has passed since I wrote you and quite as long since I had a letter from you and even now the amount of news on hand available for the purpose of letter writing is so small that I fear this will be any thing but interesting to you

There has but little buisness been done since the ground froze owing to a lack of snow for we have not had as yet one days sleighing-- and then there does not appear a very great desire on the part of any to launch forth in any [operation]

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I received a letter from Marilla a few days ago and one from Ed two weeks ago- they were well and doing well

I certainly intend visiting you some time in January if nothing unusual transpiring__and she does not back down. The dresses are nearly completed and the other outfits are all comp finished and some time during the next month we shall pack a sort of a companys trunk and in our bridle tour we intend spending a day or two with you. if [          ]

I fear that you begin to suspect me of having designs somewhat matrimonial this I believe is the case and miss Lucy. A. Brown is realy anctious to become acquainted with

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the entire Smith family

I will write you more definite ere long and tell you the day that we may be expected

I think now that we shall be married the first Monday after New Years. When I see you will be prepared to tell you all the news that is going and believe me

Sincerely YoursGeo B Smith

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Katherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher

B has not filled the sheet so i will finish it [      ] broke her arm a few days ago running on grass when it was frosty

George wife has a fine son when it was 4 weeks old it weighed 14, lbs Frank and Millend Hildreth have boys a few weeks old Samuel rec d letter from Lydia a short time ago her health is better she says she shall come to see us yet but I think it is doubtful Edward calls there babes name George I would like to see you all but do not expect to for the preasent write on receipt of this, from


much love to all

