George B. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1877 March 7

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BurkeMar 7th 1877Dear Sister

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We Recd your letter last night and were glad to hear of your usual good health and prosperity. We have no reason to complain for we so far have enough to eat and I presume could find something to do if we should look around [pretty] sharp But since the inaugeration of Hayes & Wheeler have concluded to look for office instead of work altho this may not be very safe as a means for procuring bread and butter yet it is surely more agreable. I send a Discharge of mortgage which I wish you would sign and send in haste back to me as I have a chance to sell and buy another lot nearer home Now to do this correctly you go before a before a Notary Public and sign your name on the line marked [check mark] fill out the blank dates

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and then go to your County Clerk and have him Certify that the individual before whom you made the acknowledgement was a Notary Public.

You can have the clerks certificate placed upon the back of the paper

Please attend to this imediately as I am anctious that it be done right off. You had better come home when it gets a little warmer for Just now it is cold & windy and in places the snow is quite deap with love to all

I remain your Aff BroGeo B Smith

