Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1875 September 5

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San JoseSept 5th 1875My Very Dear Sister

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Your most welcome letter came to hand in due season and I rejoice at hearing from you after so long a time and I trust in future that your pen will not be so inactive and more mindfull of your brother so far from home As regards our family I am happy to state that we are five in number beside Frank all well and happy and enjoying a good degree of prosperity It will be one year the 14th of the present month since I assumed charge of the Grocery department of the Farmers Union and during this time I have been on duty from 14 to 16 hours each day and the

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only recreation and amusement I have taken is two hours in the evening and then I attend the theater but I must have a rest before long or I cant stand it and I will take a few days this month and go up in the mountains and hunt wild cats and grizzlies which are plenty this season. I have bought me a fine little home here in the city for which I am to pay $1575. and a nice place it is to and I get it cheap for I bought at auction we will moove next month and then I will tell you more about it As regards the sugar you sent me I am sorry to state was in a very bad condition I think you must have kept it in your cellar through the summer for it was dreadfull musty and

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when you shiped you did not ship right for it came through the cakes and got wet and in the bottom of the boxes was plenty of vinegar and the tubs were so badly damaged by ants that I hardly got eaven on that I sold some of the cake here at 25 cts and as soon as opened came back so I could do nothing with it and sent to a commission house in the city and it sold for enough to pay freight and Com. I am very sorry it turned out thus but I am not to blame and I did my lad best. Now Sis what can I write that will interest you or yours you will see by my buying a home here that I intend to make this country my future abode and I wonder if we will

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ever meet again if we do it must be a long time and then old age and gray hairs will creep upon us and all youthfull glee and aspirations gone and many a milestone on lifes pathway passed on the road to eternity that eternity which has no bound nor end. Now my dear Sister have you settled this great question with yourself is it all of life to live or all of death to die are we all preparing for an enterance in that heavenly kingdom of glory and happiness or are we rejecting the proffers of mercy and living only for time with no prepparation for a glorious future. Now my dear Sister from this sentence promise me that you will turn your thoughts your mind & heart toward God and exclaim with me of old "as for

