Unidentified to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1874 December 8

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Dec 8 1874My darling niece

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after so long a time has elapsed since we received your much valued letter I will try to let you know that although I have been so negligent in writing your ever dear self has held a close place in the heart of your old aunt. how glad I would be to see you and your husband and little tot, although I have never had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of your husband I shall claim him as one of the family and hope at no distant day to have the pleasure of

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entertaining you both in our home in the city of Owatonna, my health is so poor that we had to leave the farm, and get where I had less care, you have no idea how many old acquaintances you would meet were you to come here, Amelia Green are our near neighbors as also are Mr [      ] people and Eli Ward family, we rent our farm, we raise Malone apples in our orchard, you dont know how well you would enjoy yourselves if you would come and visit us, just try it and see you know I

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include your family, G, Green has a nice residence, and is buying wheat, I want to know where Edward is and all you know about them, write to us all you know of all our friends, if you will answer this I will not be so negligent about writing any more if health permits now I shall really expect you both to visit us as soon as you can I have to speak about 2 or 3 times to impress it on your mind your uncle is the same good old fellow he always was, we are thinking of visiting

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you all next summer if nothing prevents, I have forgotten how old mother is, please tell me, I do not know whether uncle Samuel Emery and wife are liveing as not how I would like to see all those dear old faces, I want your mother to come and stay a year with me and rest it would do me good, tell me what business Edward is in and how he is getting along. I saw a young man at church last sabbath that reminded me of him so much I had a good cry his visit to us is a green spot in the memory please answer these scribblings and much love to both

to Mrs Henrietta and Craig Fletcher

