Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1873 July 2

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Stockton Cal.July 2d 1873,My dear Sister

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Your favor of June 23d came to hand yesterday and I was glad to hear from you and of your good health &.c. As for us we are well in fact Rillie health is better than when we left Vt. I think the climate will agree with her and as for Carlie he is as tough as a child can be. I have been at work in a Barber Shop for the past week at 75. Dolls per month and [force] myself this is the first thing I have struck but I am in hopes to do better very soon look on No 2

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I wish I have the funds that are my due in Vt. for I would like to buy me a little place which is for sale but as I have not I must content myself until it comes and then it is so small it will be but a drop in the buckett but I must make the best of what little I have left for all that I have in the world is what is in your hands so you can tell what I am worth I tell you if I dont have the blues there is not a man on the face of the earth that does but you may ask where has it gone and I can reply by saying into poor debts and the thieving hands No 3

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of such animals as [Hubb] but as I wont cry for spilt milk I will try and work it out if the good lord only spares my health and strength. If [Safford]. Chusman Labounty. H. Hawley Ein Austin and some others have not paid tell them that they must immediately and if they dont tell Craig to get their notes on demand and sue them at once. if Bicknell has not paid his note sue it watch Aldoph [Labuetic] and if he has any thing or you can trustee go for him as soon as possible Frank Sterns is owing me $1.75 get it What was done with the trustee to No 4

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on Willie get the Bal if you havent I should think Craig would write and tell me the news from the acct which you I can make out how Craig and I stand up to the statement which he sent before I left home which I submit with this before you Jump Accounts with the Dock get his statement and send to me he must be owing me some sell him my half interest in the printing office if you can In Craigs letter of May 29th he said you had several letters for me have you ever forwarded them if so where I hope you have sent the Box for we need the things so much. Write often and

