Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher, 1873 June 12

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Stockton CalJune 12 1873My dear Sister

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You will see by the above heading that I am once more landed in the golden state far away toward the sun We left Chateaugay on Monday June 2d at 10:12 O'clock stayed in Chicago Thursday night and from there we came directly through to this place not stoping at any place longer than one hour we took a Pallace car from [Ogdensburg] through at an extra expense of only 20 dollars we never could have stood the Journey otherwise but as it was Rillie & Carlie stood it tip top

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much better than I anticipated To attempt to give you the idea of the very many sights and wonders which we beheld would be useless on this small sheet for it would fill volumes the scenery through Illinois & Iowa was beautiful through Nebraska Wyoming and Utah wild and romantic We [     ] one point on the Rocky Mts. nearly 9000, feet above the level of the sea here we found plenty of snow and ice and Pikes Peak was in the distance Before reaching this point we saw very many antelope Dogs and Wolves also the noble RedMan of the plains were seen all along the route and they

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looked quite anxious to some of our but they seem to fear the troops which are stationed along the route and are compelled to remain quiet We found some 800 miles of the plains very unplesant owing to the dust from Alkali beds and vapor from boiling Springs but when we reached the Nevada Mountains our sight-seeing just began I thought while coming through Echo Canyon in the Rockeys where the rocks were from 200, to 500, feet high on both sides of the road that it was fearfull but when I came to the peaks of the Syras and the bottomless gorges they were awful and that

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word dont half express it in one place (Cape ) we made a curve around a point of rocks and then looking to our left not six feet from the cars we could look down the bank which was perpendicular the distance of one thousand & five hundred feet but this was not enough and so we crossed a trestle work 600 feet long and 150 ft high think of being placed on stilts on a train of cars this distance above ground and then shudder But enough of this for this time I have looked around but little as yet but times are rather dull at present for the harvest has just begun

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the crops are not hardly an average from lack of rain in the spring But fruit is plenty we had for to day green peas string beans black berries strawberries and rasberries. Peaches and grapes will ripen next month and then we will feast. Sis I wish you would draw off Craigs account as it is on my book both debt & credit together with the furniture bill &.c. on the little book in where I Kept account of such sales also Cash $100.- $[    ] at another time $75 also $15.50 to [Mudgett] if I [die] not put them on the Ledger and send to me so I can look it over cross out the [fees] on Stanley

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and Smith for that is all right. I only received $78.48 from Bent. and the Boy my due I would like as soon as convenient. but you need not send any until I get the account together with what Craig has collected and then I will see if it is right and tell you how to send the money and where for I may not stay here but a short time Sis be both of you to write by return mail and tell me all the news everything that is going on &.c. It is hot. here & dusty but the nights are so cool it is lovely Give my regards to all my friends there if I have any and Kiss Katy for me Rillie sends love to you all

Your Aff BoEd

