Edward C. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher, 1873 May 29

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Chateaugay NyMay 29 1873Brother and Sister

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Your last favors were received yesterday also trunks &.c. I was glad to hear from you and to know that Craig was looking well to my little affairs in Cambridge I will be satisfied with whatever he may do as to the trustee on Willey I dont see how they can hold him if Craig notifies Huff as I told him to that he [owed] the claim you also say that the stove & c at Cornells was attached who by I dont care for that for I made a trade with Cornell on the stove stool & money drawer like this I asked him $15.00 for the whole he thot it too much and we left it to J.C. French to say how

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he should give both agreeing to stick & J.C. said he should give $12.00 and even after that he accepted of the goods and used them. That Canada man has no claim whatever upon me. I have six dollars against J.P. [Hagur] which should be deducted from my acct leaving it about $23.00 but if his trustee should hold on the whole amt. I will send this on for collection against him. Craig if he can hold Willey or Cobb settle with him at once and if Willey has the funds in his hands either let him pay it or you assume the debt and get the money from Willey & pay it or in other words do whatever you think best & look well to the costs & see that they dont take too much Tell [Jacen] to take my Box of goods from Cornells and store it for me until I get to Cal and then I will order it from there

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If Cornell does not pay for the acct I hold against him you need not urge him but little but I will send it to Burlington and let him go down there and fight a law suit it is one of his dirty tricks Craig in settleing up any accts take notes in your name with the understanding that you have advanced the money on them any way to prevent trustee until I can shape my affairs to adjust all my debts honorably Well I suppose you would like to know when we are going to take our Journey and now I will tell you for we are all ready ticketts purchased trunks packed &.C. &.C. and if the Lord is willing next monday June 2d at 10 o clock we leave home and friends so dear to cross the continent and Sis if you was only going how glad I should be it is next to taking my life but I

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think and hope it will prove for the best I paid $275.00 for two Ticketts to San Fransisco from Malone. I was in hopes to you all once before I left but I hardly think it will pay to go back so this must answer for the sweet and sad good bye and my dear Sister if we never meet no more on earth let us hope for Heaven and an eternal union beyond this world of trouble care and separation Kiss the little darling good bye for Uncle Ed. and tell her to remember me & her auntie & little Carlie. I will write you immediately upon our arrival and will Keep you posted at all times Craig would it not be well to notify Fuller that you hold the 25, dolls tender and charge the same to me I cant say any more Sis [this] time Our love to you all

your aff BrotherEd.

